For PMDG 747-400

Fuel Planner Built in MS Excel 2003.

This is my first ‘give back’ to the flight community.
I hope it is of use and can be used well in each of
your flights with ease.

It is from the example in the PMDG manual ‘CRUISE and FUEL PLANNING’
with one or two differences.

Just delete the blue items for your own flight.

There is a one hundred pounds or so discrepancy due to rounding numbers
and the PMDG Loader Manager own math.
It is free for all to use, I ask for no credit and thus no blame
for any mishaps when using it in any way shape or form.

Any mistakes in the calculations, math or stats feel free to do what you
want with it.

So to the flight community. Thank you for all the free stuff
I have gotten from you!


1. Start PMDG Load Manager set Pax and Cargo. Save. (Note- Max fuel load and max Zero fuel Wt.)
2. Start Flight Sim. Set aircraft and wind etc.
3. Get route distance from FMC or MSFS planner if needed.
4. Use Fuel planner (Alt+Tab at same time if needed)